Methods to Deal with Tardy Students

Ecole Globale
4 min readNov 30, 2019


One of the most necessary housework and Classroom management tasks that academics face a day is taking attendance. These group action notes ought to conjointly show that students are in school on time and that students arrive when the bell rings. The start of class is mostly selected to be the most effective time to record attendance and to notice the time of scholars who come late.

While several students are going to be unpunctual at some point throughout the year, chronic tardiness will become an actual drawback if the effective unpunctual policy isn’t in place. A school should have policies outlined on the number of exempt or nonexempt tardiest a student may need over a school year. The exempt tardy can be used for medical appointments that run longer or an accident that would not are avoided. The nonexempt unpunctual is also used to record the number of times a student who could have overslept or gone on a trip.

Moreover, students have to be compelled to perceive the importance of being on time. As a lecturer, it’s usually beneficial to possess varied ways to affect individual latecomers to class. Finding what works best for every individual or group of scholars is part of managing a class effectively. The subsequent could be a list of six approaches that you will use as you affect tardy students in your class.

Conference and ask Why?

The most important way to confirm why a student who is late to class is to raise, “Why are you late?” A student who is late once or double a school year might have to understand that you just are keeping accurate records that reflect a level of engagement. The message is “I care about you…” there are various schools in India, who teach proper punctual activities to their students.

Make the start of class important

Students need to perceive that coming into class late will have consequences on their grade. Using things like Warm-Ups and On-Time Quizzes will have a significant impact. For these activities, the teacher controls once the class starts and the way it begins. Academics should be ready to start class right time so they will beware of attendance and different work tasks when the scholars are busy working. Students quickly get used to a routine. Therefore, academics need to decide what methodology you would like to you utilize and find started immediately.

Use Consistent Consequences

Students can respect a lecturer and follow if the rules additional if they’re public and applied with consistency. If the school district has created a policy on timing that has specific disciplinary actions, all academics ought to follow this policy. Unpunctual repeat offenders should receive a similar consequence.

Use Detentions

The time lost once a student is late to class is also regained through detention after school. Detentions can be added to room management set up. However, they will need more commitment on a teacher’s part. Unless the school provides a supervised detention space, the teacher could have to stay within the room. One answer is to possess academics that work along and hold joint detention.

In these things, transportation can even cause headaches. Academics that use detentions generally send a letter home explaining that if students earn detention, then the parents are responsible for picking up students late. Despite these problems, detention may be helpful as a deterrent for chronic tardiness.

Use a reward system

A teacher would possibly give students with rewards for not being unpunctual to a class. This will be as straightforward as providing additional hints before exams or warnings of pop quizzes throughout the first couple of minutes of class. However, it can even expand to extra tangible rewards homework schoolwork passes. The advantage of this can be that students who are following their peers, the rewarded, are hopefully reinforcing their positive behaviors.

Help form and Follow broad Policies

Many schools have already got tardy policies in place, although these aren’t systematically enforced. All academics ought to have reviewed the school reference book and mentioned tardy problems with mentor academics and directors to know what the policies are each academic year. Broad policies may be very effective if the majority of academics enforce them. However, if the policy isn’t operating, maybe you’ll get entangled in trying to mend it. If the problem could be a lack of teacher buy-in, become an advocate for enforcement and facilitate come up with an idea to urge more academics concerned. If the matter is that the policy itself, see if your administration is agreeable to you operating with academics and administrators to come up with something which will work.

This article is contributed by the best boarding schools in Dehradun.



Ecole Globale

Ecole Globale boarding school is one of the India’s largest girls boarding school in Dehradun. Ecole Globale provides world class education for all kids.