How To Do Writing Workshop With Your Classes

Ecole Globale
3 min readApr 2, 2020


The idea of a full class of students quietly writing, revising, peer conferencing, and dealing with writing that they care regarding is a picture that I dreamt about for years.

I admit that although I started doing the reading workshop with my classes over twelve years past, it took me another nine years to induce up the courage to do a writing workshop. Something regarding the lack of control, I guess.

But over the past few years, I have conducted several winning writing workshops. I additionally created several mistakes with my classes; however, I have learned from those errors.

Here are some amazing tips that are given by the Best boarding schools in Dehradun for conducting a successful writing workshop, along with your classes.

Start with mentor texts.

Whether your students are writing descriptive essays, artistic poems, or research papers on the history of world war II, you must invariably begin with mentor texts. Notice some good samples of what you’re hoping that students can achieve in the workshop, and so spend a while analyzing them as a class. Acknowledge that they understand what you’re looking for, which they will place those expectations into words.

Spend at least a day prewriting.

Never start an article workshop by instructing students to start an essay. It’ll be the least productive day you may ever experience and possibly the death of the whole seminar. Instead, begin with some low-pressure prewriting. This might be a brainstorm list, a free write, or a creative writing prompt.

Go over the method, and so give them a grade for the process.

Ensure that students know what you mean after you say draft, revision, peer conference, teacher conference, and written material, and so offer them a grade for what they accomplish before the end of the workshop. In my experience, children who complete all of the required steps find themselves with the most effective essays (shocking, I know). I usually count the process grade as 60 % of the ultimate draft grade.

Make a process list and update it regularly.

Rather than requiring students to show evidence of their method at the end of the workshop, build a spreadsheet and check it off as they’re going. At the start of every new class, inform students regarding what they have left to accomplish. As they complete any further steps throughout the class, check them off on the chart. However, be picky — make positive that they’re truly editing and not simply adding a few commas, for instance.

Check in constantly.

I am all for grading when you get a couple of minutes in the school day; however, the writing workshop isn’t that point. Instead, you must be reading drafts, checking student progress, and monitoring peer conferences from near or far. It is exhausting; however, in my experience, students want that pressure to stay on task. It additionally makes it easier to assign a final grade after you have an inspiration for the progress students have created towards the goals.

Model any new expectations.

If your scholars are new to revision or peer conferences, do some along as a class. Project some examples of real revision on the board, or hold a whole-class conference. If you do that on a piece that you have written yourself, it’ll be even more authentic and impactful.



Ecole Globale

Ecole Globale boarding school is one of the India’s largest girls boarding school in Dehradun. Ecole Globale provides world class education for all kids.